Blog Tour Schedule
February 21-March 6
AND ONE MORE: One more Book Review on Life at Rossmont.
DAY FOURTEEN: Congratulations to the winners of the free giveaways and thank you so very much to all the bloggers, book reviewers, and commenters during the past two weeks!
DAY THIRTEEN: If you are interested to keep up with news on future books, you can sign up for my newsletter or follow me on twitter and facebook.
DAY TWELVE: Book Review on Christian Bookaholic.
DAY ELEVEN: Book Review on Aliens in the Apple and a GIVEAWAY.
DAY TEN: A picture and a poem from Sudan on my own blog today!
DAY NINE: Did you know you can get a FREE BOOK CLUB GUIDE to go along with Door to Freedom?
DAY EIGHT: Reading Is My SuperPower asks me some fun questions, and asks you one too!
DAY SEVEN: New pins Pinterest and Free Sample Chapters available.
DAY SIX: Check out today’s review at Smiling Book Reviews
DAY FIVE: What’s on my nightstand? Check it out at Inspired by Life and Fiction and enter for a CHANCE TO WIN a free book!
DAY FOUR: Appearance on Leslie McKee’s review blog. And appearances along with a CHANCE TO WIN a free book on Liz Tolsma’s blog and A Christian Writer’s World.
DAY THREE: Door to Freedom appears on Joan Nienhuis’ blog today. CLICK HERE.
DAY TWO: Story Spotlight! The story behind “Door to Freedom” and an “interview” with Rania on Litfuse.
DAY ONE: You have to start from home, right? So we’ll start on my blog with THE BOX.