In solitude and quietness, I bring Him my plans.
These plans to make things better.
Hard things, heavy things, things that will go off the rails
If someone doesn’t intervene.
I think it through and I gather up my best ideas.
And here I am now, pleading with God.
Please make these things happen for Your glory because
If someone doesn’t intervene…
And then words emerge. A phrase hovers in my mind.
“God is able”
No. Not that He is able to carry out my plans.
God is Able. That is all.
I close my eyes and hear the words: in a song…
In Scripture… In memories I replay
Of times I’ve witnessed where
God is able.
God is Able, so let go…
Of plans: feeble ones made by a finite mind.
God is Able, so let Him…
Do His work in His time according to His way.
He is able to make all grace abound… (2 Cor. 9:8)
He is able to do immeasurably more… (Eph. 3:20)
He is able to deliver us… (Dan. 3:17)
He is able to do what He has promised… (Rom. 4:21)
He is able to strengthen you… (Rom.16:25)
He is able to guard… (2 Tim. 1:12)
He is able to help… (Heb. 2:18)
He is able to save… (Heb. 7:25)
He is able to keep you from stumbling… (Jude 1:24)
So I crumple up my plans, sketched on paper.
And let go of my desire for control.
I crumple from my proud feet to my humble knees.
And, as uncomfortable as it feels, I trust.
He is Able.
Thanks for this reminder, Jana…poignantly written…obviously out of personal experience.
Thanks for all your encouragement!
I needed to be reminded of this precious truth.
I did too! 🙂