Seven weeks into being a fifty-year-old, here’s what I think about it.
Conversation over lunch turns into an amazing story of God’s faithfulness lived out in the life and love story of some of my heroes.
As if a crisis isn’t hard enough by itself. Sometimes we find that it’s during those very times of hardship that sin comes to the surface!
A trip to the hospital turns into an opportunity to sing a hymn and put into practice trusting in God and resting in His goodness.
Every morning before my alarm goes off, I hear a bird singing in the tree outside. Every morning the bird gives me a much needed reminder.
As I think and pray over recent opportunities, initiatives, partnerships, advancements of the Gospel, and new openings—joy and hope fill my heart. At the same time, I feel a sense of heaviness. There are many adversaries. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Some of us are hurting, some of us are sick, there has been great personal loss, relational issues, schooling issues, persecution,…
In solitude and quietness, I bring Him my plans. These plans to make things better. Hard things, heavy things, things that will go off the rails If someone doesn’t intervene. I think it through and I gather up my best ideas. And here I am now, pleading with God. Please make these things happen for Your glory because If someone…
Jesus changes everything! But sometimes “everything” is more comfortable to us than Jesus. When He reaches out, what is our response?